DS NUTS > Overview > EN > REVAMP

The new   NUTS 2024 classification is valid from 1 January 2024 and lists 92 regions at NUTS 1, 244 regions at NUTS 2 and 1 165 regions at NUTS 3 level.

The NUTS classification (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics) is a hierarchical system for dividing up the economic territory of the EU for the purpose of:

  • the collection, development and harmonisation of European regional statistics
  • socio-economic analyses of the regions
    • NUTS 1: major socio-economic regions
    • NUTS 2: basic regions for the application of regional policies
    • NUTS 3: small regions for specific diagnoses
  • framing of EU regional policies

This visual illustrates the hierarchical system of the NUTS classification. It consists of four small maps. The first one shows the EU at NUTS level 0. The second one shows NUTS level 1 regions in Germany, focusing on the region with a code DE2. The third map shows NUTS level 2 regions, focusing on the regions DE27. The fourth map shows NUTS level 3 regions, focusing on DE27C.

Further reading