DS National accounts > Methodology EN RV

ESA 2010 and SNA 2008

The European System of National and Regional Accounts 2010 (ESA2010) was implemented in September 2014. From that date onwards, the data transmissions from EU members to Eurostat have to follow ESA 2010 rules. For more information on ESA 2010, please visit our thematic section.

The ESA 2010 is broadly consistent with the System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA2008), which is the world-level harmonised reference methodology for national accounts.

Formally, the ESA is a legal act, it has more precise definitions and it is intended as reference guide. The SNA includes more explanations and background information and it can be used as a teaching handbook for statisticians worldwide.

Please note that some methodological documents contain references to ESA 95 instead of ESA 2010. They will still be updated or are kept for comparison purposes.

A chronological list of manuals and guidelines can be found in our ESA 2010 section.